Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When the bloggers met in real life.

Haha. I was so nervous to meet my blogger friend, Arnie. You no we never met before, so a little bit shy lah! We be so friendly and talk much. Hahha. The reason we met cause of monkey-banana. I bought 1 pair of army soldier, since we lived at the same state, same town, I took those pixel hand by hand je lah. It was so cool and cute! I love it Arnie! She companied me to having my lunch. I love this day, it make me smile!!

When ordering my lunch..

A: Kenapa tak order burger..

L: "Malu" hhaha.. ni kan first date! Hehhe!

A: Haha!!! A'ah betul, kalau date jangan makan burger, burok!

Arnie you such a good friend and I 'm so comfortable with you and and you're so fashionista! Hahha that's why zl love you plus you're kind and friendly lah kan! Hahha.. And Arnie told me that she was tak puas hati dengan rambut zl sbb dah panjang, then kenapa tak suruh potong, Arnie: dah berbuih dah cakap suruh potong... A couple of minute someone came to us and I was like "eh macam kenal mamat ni tapi...." (dlm hati lah). Arnie tak perasan sebab, org tu datang dari belakang, and I sambung "is that zl......" Then Arnie pusing, wah surprise!!! Hahah.. zl dah potong rambut! Haa baru handsome sikit! Arnie was so happy with his new hair cut and I was happy to see her happy.. Arnie bila second date?? Excited nih! Hehhe:))

Thanks arnie for the burger tips. Ingat semua jangan makan burger semasa dating. hahah:))Brought to you by bayusiazreen. Hehhe :)

(Sorry broken english, still learning thank you.)


arnie azreen said...

i baca psot you ni,senyum memanjang sorang-sorang sampai mak i pun tegur,hihihihi :))

awwwwhhhhh,, thanks liyana!
that's so sweet!! i pun happy sangat dapat jumpa u tau!! u pun sama,lagi bertambah tambah cute in real life,hihihihi :D

haa,,kan? macam kebetulan pula i baru mengadu dekat u pasal rambut zul pastu... *tada!!*

liyana,i macam terharu sangat bila u tulis:
u happy tengok i happy :))
that's so sweet :))

thanks for everything,liyana :)))

*panjang tak? balas u punya,hihihi*

Journalist said...

Heheh.. You too arnie!
Seronok dapat kawan ngan arnie!!!
Take care dear!

monkey+banana said...

i nak curi gambar u ni...
*buat muka comel*

:p hihihihi..

Journalist said...

Tolong, tolong pencuri!!!

Norazihan said...

thanks girls, i'll take that tip to my next lunch interview. take care.

Journalist said...

Haa betul time interview tak leh makan burge lagi burok!