Oh GOD! I hate see them happy! Yes i'm jealous! I hate the way they took a picture together with smile and happiness. Why should this happen to me? Am I too bad for him? Why I should alone? Why? Oh I know is that because i'm not pretty? petite? cute? fair skin or else? Shut up! Stop uploading (haha) your picture you make me meluat dan benci membuak2. Liyana is turn to evil! Sorry to all! To make me calm down..

Sufi I miss you! You was the only boyfriend (kawan lelaki lah) keep in touch with me (ni kawan kat seremban lah, kawan yang kat sini ramai jugak yg keep in touch!), once in a month you called. At least you called and ask my condition and others. Jauh lah dibandingkan dengan ynag lain, hmm maybe they were busy. Just like me.. But thanks sufi you make me smile.. Sebab tak sagka rajin jugak ko menelefon aku! hahaa.. :)) Miss you and all my friends at seremban. Muaahhxx!!!
wahhh.baguih kwn awk sufi.kwn sy yg jauh jauh tepon time raye atau time diorg turun ke kuantan.:)))
Tu la pasal!
A M B O I !!
Amboi? Pasal cerita ke gambar?
Bukan ke dah tgk sebelum ni..
Lastday waktu ni, ala mcm kak ma and alexyong! Hehhe.. :)
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