Tuesday, January 29, 2013


(I read this on Ask.fm)
This band dah lama kot, tapi saya je yg baru tahu haha. Genre dia hardcore rasanya. Tapi, I found out this girl is awesome. Dulu dia tak pakai tudung, but now dia dah bertudung. Alhamdulillah and STILL with the band, Maddthelin. So jalan-jalan kat Ask.fm and read all the question, there is one question that catch my attention. I like how she adapt with the situation. Bila baca ni it is some sort of reminder to myself too. Bukan rasa nk buka or apa. Supaya lebih terjaga auratnya. Now I'm wearing hijab tapi tak tutup bawah dagu, tak pakai stocking, tak pakai anak tudung (kadang2 tudung jarang kan, yg jenis bawal tu) semua benda2 kecil-kecil ni lah yg dianggap kecil tapi besar sebenarnya. InsyaAllah slow slow. :) So let's get back to the question hehe. This is not my question. Someone ask her.
hey yasmin.Just like you, I baru je pakai tudung and its kind of hard for me to get use to it, how do you adapt?
emmm, i dont know how to give advice about pakai tudung, sebab i takde rasa susah nk adapt sebab i sendiri suka pakai tudung, i feel safe and best part is no one looks at me, there are days i rasa cam panas lah and ada jugak bila i keluar i tgk perempuan ramai gila lawa2 pakai dress buat fashion2 rambut, im a girl and i admit rasa sedih tapi i kene fikir, bila panas tu i bayangkan api neraka tu jauh lagi panas, and tgk girls fashion semua tu i just fikir yang Allah dia lagi suka kita menutup dari buka aurat. so when u do all this for Allah, u wont feel that its hard, be sincere in whatever u do for Allah, i hope this helps, =) 
Lillahhitaala, semua kerana Allah taala. :)

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