Monday, June 30, 2008
Ohh Tidak!
Semua cikgu nak pindah ni apa hal! Mula-mula cikgu Zie sekarang Cikgu kelas kitaorang pulak! Eee tak suka-tak suka. Kita orang tak dan pun nak buat farewell party cuma tulis speech kat white board je dan kasi hadiah kat cikgu! Lastday kitaorang ngan cikgu Azizah on Friday hari tu 27 June 2008. Sedih sangat. Yela guru kelas dan guru bahasa melayu tu, pada awal tahun lagi la sejarah pun dia ajar. Bila tukar cikgu baru cam kurang seronok. Tapi lama-lama okay laa. Tahun lepas pun cikgu Azizah jadi guru kelas dan guru sejarah. Memang kitaorang rapat la ngan dia. Ayang beribu kali sayang!Lepas cikgu bagi nasihat dan kata-kata terakhir, kitaorang pun ambil gambar bersama-sama. Sedih+gembira. Sayang cikgu!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Bye-bye Cikgu Zie!
Pizza Hut.
The Girls!
Cikgu Zie. Kami syg Cikgu!
Mama@Jurulatih(hahha) dan Ckgu Zie!
Bye Cikgu Zie! kami semua akan merindui cikgu! hmm sedih pulak. Ni kot kali terakhir keluar makan dengan cikgu dan kengkawan yang lain. Tapi cikgu kata jangan lah berakhir disini pula. Sebab cikgu tak nak nanti "lost contact ". Lepas tu kitaorang pergi makan Pizza Hut tau, heheh yang kelakarnya, lepas borak-borak ambil gambar.. terus keluar. Waktu nak keluar tu pekerja tu pun dengan pantasnya memberi senyuman dan cakap terima kasih, datang lagi. Pastu cikgu Noorin pun tanya "eh dah bayar ke?" Cikgu zie "hehhe Ya Allah belum lagi!(sambil ketawa)" hahaa Kitaorang semua "gelak sakan" mana taknya keluar dengan perut yang kenyang tiba-tiba tak bayar lagi. Pekerja tu pun ingat kitaorng dah bayar. Yela waktu kat dalam bising-bising pastu ambil-ambil gambar, jadi lupa pulak.hehe. Lawak betul!=)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Improve my english.
Just now my mother and I talked. We talked about career, leadership, communication and how to speak in English better. My mother told me to credit in all subjects. This will be more easy to choose any course when I want to go to university. About leadership, my mother told me that I have strong communication skill with other people. No matter adult, teen or children, all I can fit in. I ask my mother how to speak English better like her, and how to improve English. Especially when writing a story. I have been jealous with other people who can speak in English clearly and very well. I showed a blog named Nada to my mother. The blog is written by a girl, about her daily life. Her English is good and better than mine. Then I showed my mother a post Survey i did (see the post below). My mother said I was ego and stubborn because the question is in English but I answered in Malay mix with English. I had also use short form words like "Coz" instead of because. So now I want to edit the post with new answers with proper English (in italic).
Survey yg sangat panjang!
1.Have you ever sat down to think about why you like the person you like?
Yes. Jailani a boy ni my school. He is cute!
2.When people say "I don't ever talk crap about anyone" do you believe it?
Oh tidak!/Oh No.
3.Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
Yeah.. kengkadang../Yes, sometimes. You know I'm not a perfect person.
4.When did you last cry?
Tah la da lupe! hehee..Waktu birthday kot..hee/ On my birthday. No cake and not many present.=(
5.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?
Mesti la ada.. Tp skang ni dah lama x de org ckp cm tu..hehhe=p/ Of course. (I rather keep this a secret.)
6.Who did you last talk to for longer than 10 minutes on the phone?
My baba..(ayah laa!)/My father! He ask my mother and my jean size!heheh=p
7.Would you ever become a vegetarian?
8.Do you like your school?
Suka!/ Yes very much!
9.Last person you went to the movies with?
FAmily.. Citer BEE! hehhe lama dah x kuar tgk wayang!/Family. Watched the "BEE" movie.
10.Did you ever lose a best friend?
Yes! kecewa+marah+sedih./Yes. She back stabbed me!................
11.Can you do push-ups?
hehe bolah ar. setakat 1,2 tu..haha..=p/Yes but only 2.
12.What is wrong with you right now?
macam2.. haha risau.takut.malu.sunyi.sepi.lapar pon ada./ Everything! Worried+afraid+ashame+lonely and hungry
13Who do you hate?
Nak bagi tau ke kang tekejut lak. Let it be a question mark!/Should I told you?Let it be a question mark!
14.What do you want in your life right now?! heh My family, friend and .......
(Get a good result on my SPM!)/Money+Family+Friend+and..... (Get a good result on my SPM!)
15.What are you listening to?
Bunyi kipas+Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry/Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry
16.Who is your 3rd, 6th, 9th incoming calls from?
3rd-Zakwan, 6th-Ayu, 9th-Pedal
17.What is your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Phone.Bantal Kecik (petak)/Phone and pillow!
18.What do you wear to bed?
Short and shirt.
19.What were you doing last night at 1AM?
Tidoo..!/Sleep time!
20.Do you like anyone?
Yes.yes. suka sgt!/Yes very much! A guy!
21.What are you doing this weekend?
Tuition.!haha..=)/Tuition and hang out with friends!yeay=)
22.Where were you last night?
23.What is today's date?
20 June 2008
24.Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Lina kot!ahhaha=) (betol nih)/ ermm Lina!
25.Have you ever sang for anyone?
pernah kot!hee cam katak suaraku!/ I think so..
26.Has anyone ever given you roses?
Pernah2..heeh=)/ Yes.yes
27.How do you make your money?
Dari duit belanja skolah!haha..=p/ By pocket money!
28.What is your favorite color?
Semua colour suka! Rainbow! All colour! Rainbow maybe!
29.What color are your eyes?
dark brown..
30.How tall are you?
165cm! tu dulu .. chehh skang tinggi skit kot!hee=p/ 165cm. My friend call me tiang lampu, galah, lonjong.
31.Do you like your parents?
adoih sapa la x kenag budi tuu! mesti ar.!Love them so much!!!/ Of course.Love them so much!!!
32.Do you secretly like someone?
yup.yup.. skarang!/Yes. At school! He don't know that I like him too..
33.Why did your last relationship end?
Salah paham. dan bosan kot! hee.. Tah laa..malas nak pikir!/ Don't want to thing about it anymore!
34.Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
Rafie kot. as a friend!/ Rafie. as a friend okay!
35.Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
Singapore kot. tak la jauh sangat!/ Singapore!
36.Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Kalau boleh both! Eat kot!hee../ If I can, Both! heh EAT!
* being ridiculous*
37.Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Hehe my mom! (Jgn marah baba)/ My mom!
38.How long does it take you to shower?
Tah laa kengkadang lama.kengkadang sekejap!/ More than 10 minute.
39.Can you speak any other language than English?
Bahasa melayu dan tamil!hehhe sikit2..=p*/Malay and Tamil I guess!hehe=P
40.How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
7 hour kot!/ 7Hour
41.Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
hehe jarang2../ Sometimes!Mostly nope.
42.Do you like funny people or serious people?
Both! but if have to choose, funny people!
43.What are you listening to?
Td da tanya an?Bunyi kipas and Teddy Geiger-For You I Will/Teddy Geiger-For You I Will
44.What jewelry do you wear all the time?
45.What do you have planned for tonight?
menonton TV!/Watched TV.
46.Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Yup! My mom. kat pipi laar./ My mom. Not on the lips!
47.Do you prefer myspace or socialsplash?
48.Do you like messages or comments better?
Both! boleh?/ Both! heheh can.can!
49.What was last thing you drank?
Air masak! Mineral water!Good for skin!hehe=)
50.What was for dinner tonight?
Tak tau lagi!/"Mee Calong" just like mee sup!
51.When is your birthday?
3 May.
52.Do you want to get married and have children one day?
Mesti laa.. hmm=)/ Of course!
huh!! at last!!! fin!!
Yes. Jailani a boy ni my school. He is cute!
2.When people say "I don't ever talk crap about anyone" do you believe it?
Oh tidak!/Oh No.
3.Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
Yeah.. kengkadang../Yes, sometimes. You know I'm not a perfect person.
4.When did you last cry?
Tah la da lupe! hehee..Waktu birthday kot..hee/ On my birthday. No cake and not many present.=(
5.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?
Mesti la ada.. Tp skang ni dah lama x de org ckp cm tu..hehhe=p/ Of course. (I rather keep this a secret.)
6.Who did you last talk to for longer than 10 minutes on the phone?
My baba..(ayah laa!)/My father! He ask my mother and my jean size!heheh=p
7.Would you ever become a vegetarian?
8.Do you like your school?
Suka!/ Yes very much!
9.Last person you went to the movies with?
FAmily.. Citer BEE! hehhe lama dah x kuar tgk wayang!/Family. Watched the "BEE" movie.
10.Did you ever lose a best friend?
Yes! kecewa+marah+sedih./Yes. She back stabbed me!................
11.Can you do push-ups?
hehe bolah ar. setakat 1,2 tu..haha..=p/Yes but only 2.
12.What is wrong with you right now?
macam2.. haha risau.takut.malu.sunyi.sepi.lapar pon ada./ Everything! Worried+afraid+ashame+lonely and hungry
13Who do you hate?
Nak bagi tau ke kang tekejut lak. Let it be a question mark!/Should I told you?Let it be a question mark!
14.What do you want in your life right now?! heh My family, friend and .......
(Get a good result on my SPM!)/Money+Family+Friend+and..... (Get a good result on my SPM!)
15.What are you listening to?
Bunyi kipas+Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry/Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry
16.Who is your 3rd, 6th, 9th incoming calls from?
3rd-Zakwan, 6th-Ayu, 9th-Pedal
17.What is your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Phone.Bantal Kecik (petak)/Phone and pillow!
18.What do you wear to bed?
Short and shirt.
19.What were you doing last night at 1AM?
Tidoo..!/Sleep time!
20.Do you like anyone?
Yes.yes. suka sgt!/Yes very much! A guy!
21.What are you doing this weekend?
Tuition.!haha..=)/Tuition and hang out with friends!yeay=)
22.Where were you last night?
23.What is today's date?
20 June 2008
24.Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Lina kot!ahhaha=) (betol nih)/ ermm Lina!
25.Have you ever sang for anyone?
pernah kot!hee cam katak suaraku!/ I think so..
26.Has anyone ever given you roses?
Pernah2..heeh=)/ Yes.yes
27.How do you make your money?
Dari duit belanja skolah!haha..=p/ By pocket money!
28.What is your favorite color?
Semua colour suka! Rainbow! All colour! Rainbow maybe!
29.What color are your eyes?
dark brown..
30.How tall are you?
165cm! tu dulu .. chehh skang tinggi skit kot!hee=p/ 165cm. My friend call me tiang lampu, galah, lonjong.
31.Do you like your parents?
adoih sapa la x kenag budi tuu! mesti ar.!Love them so much!!!/ Of course.Love them so much!!!
32.Do you secretly like someone?
yup.yup.. skarang!/Yes. At school! He don't know that I like him too..
33.Why did your last relationship end?
Salah paham. dan bosan kot! hee.. Tah laa..malas nak pikir!/ Don't want to thing about it anymore!
34.Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
Rafie kot. as a friend!/ Rafie. as a friend okay!
35.Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
Singapore kot. tak la jauh sangat!/ Singapore!
36.Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Kalau boleh both! Eat kot!hee../ If I can, Both! heh EAT!
* being ridiculous*
37.Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Hehe my mom! (Jgn marah baba)/ My mom!
38.How long does it take you to shower?
Tah laa kengkadang lama.kengkadang sekejap!/ More than 10 minute.
39.Can you speak any other language than English?
Bahasa melayu dan tamil!hehhe sikit2..=p*/Malay and Tamil I guess!hehe=P
40.How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
7 hour kot!/ 7Hour
41.Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
hehe jarang2../ Sometimes!Mostly nope.
42.Do you like funny people or serious people?
Both! but if have to choose, funny people!
43.What are you listening to?
Td da tanya an?Bunyi kipas and Teddy Geiger-For You I Will/Teddy Geiger-For You I Will
44.What jewelry do you wear all the time?
45.What do you have planned for tonight?
menonton TV!/Watched TV.
46.Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Yup! My mom. kat pipi laar./ My mom. Not on the lips!
47.Do you prefer myspace or socialsplash?
48.Do you like messages or comments better?
Both! boleh?/ Both! heheh can.can!
49.What was last thing you drank?
Air masak! Mineral water!Good for skin!hehe=)
50.What was for dinner tonight?
Tak tau lagi!/"Mee Calong" just like mee sup!
51.When is your birthday?
3 May.
52.Do you want to get married and have children one day?
Mesti laa.. hmm=)/ Of course!
huh!! at last!!! fin!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Trip to Cameron Highland Day 3( 7June 2008)

This is our lastday at Cameron! Udah mahu pulang! Semua cam tak puas lagi ddk kat sini.. tapi nak wat cammana kan.. Kite org singgah di MARDI kat situ canttik gak laa. tapi tak la banyak sangat benda2nye.. Cikgu je yg seronok skit sbb shopping bunga.. Kite org pon best gak! Best sangat sbb kena tolong cikgu bawak barang2 dia..hehhe.. tp ikhlas ek! Cam biasa perhentian seterusnya di Tapah my favorite R&R hehe.. dan kami sangat2 bersyukur hahha sbb x lalu kot genting (lalu kot kl)! kalau tidak busuk lahh bau dlm bas uh! sbb waktu nak turun , kena lalu jalan cm roller coaster tuh jadi ada la sebilangan yg hampir2 muntah dan ada jugak yg muntah! hmm.. nasib baik saya kuat! Rahsia nya minum lah susu lembu da biskut Tiger!hehe=p Tp sampai bawah mmg semua org pening dan mabuk! Dekat R&R pon shopping lagi! hmm beli buah jambu je.. sbb bnyk gerai buah kat situ. Nest station R&R Temerloh. Makan malam kat situ! Pastu dlm bas pon nk msg. padahal naik satu bas pon nk msg gak! hehe biasa la tuu.. semua berbalas msg pasal nak pusing balik (mknnya pg cmrn blk ar..) ada yg cakap "jom pusing balik" pastu ada yang "ala x nak balik lagi!" hmm macam2.. tp mmg seronok lah! tambah2 semua kwn2 rapat (ada yg x..) sport plak tu.. hmm kenangan masih 2008! Cinta Mereka!!!muahhxx=(
Trip to Cameron Highland Day 2 (6June 2008)

Owh S**t..penat2 taip pasti error plak! chis.. penat je! em dipendek kan cerita pagi pergi Sg.Palas Tea Boh Center (seronok!petik daun tea hhehe..shuutt=p). Pastu pergi Bee Farm (Tak best pon.. penat je turn naik tangga. dah la tangga tinggi (curam) Lepastu lagi pergi market! (yg ni best sbb pg shopping!hahaha aktiviti yg digemari kaum wanita!yeah!). Pastu pg Cactus Valley (Emm ada yg beli sayur segar. baru petik dan yg bestnya strawberry shake!emmphh best!). For dinner makan maggie je but still pergi pasar malam!
Trip to Cameron Highland Day 1(5 June 2008)

Seronok sangat pegi Cameron ngan kengkawan. Yela bkn senang nak hang out sesama. Jauh2 plak an. Ni pon kite org gak yang plan nak pegi ni. Sebenarnye tahun lepas lagi. Tapi tahun lepas plan nk pegi Tioman pastu x jadi.. Jadi utk tahun ini oleh kerana cikgu pon dah janji.. Kalau menang netball match pringkat skolah cikgu akan tunaikan janji tu.. Hah ape lagi nek menang, dah menang dah.. hehe jadi betolak dalam kol 9 pagi pastu berhenti kat R&R Karak ek? tah da lupa.. Pastu berhenti kat R&R Tapah plak..Fuhh toilet dia besar siot! Jakun skit sbb x pernah pegi! hehe=p pastu jalan tau la kan, cam naik roller coaster.. Jalan Ya Allah poning kepalo den! Bila sampai je kat atas dlm kol 7 kot.. Punya laa Loya! adoih. Then mkn malam kat luar pastu pegi pasar malam..! SERONOK!!!=)
Selamat Hari Bapa!
Selamat hari bapa kepada semua bapa, ayah, baba, walid, abah, papa, daddy, dad, father,bapak, pak dan lain2. Senoga semua bapa2 dimurahkan rezeki supaya kita boleh makan dan hidop dan di panjang kan umur! Lastly for my baba may God bless you and thank's for everything! You are the best father in the WORLD! Love you..=)
Don’t speak (acoustic) - No doubt
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
c. You must write that song name down, no matter how silly it sounds.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
If someone says,"Is this okay?"
- Capital E - Bittersweet
How would you describe yourself?
- When Your’re Gone - Avril Lavigne (uhh)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
- Helena - My Chemical Romance
How do you feel today?
- Unfaithful - Rihanna
What is your life's purpose?
- With You - Chris Brown (btol2 haha=p)
What is your motto?
- I will always love you - Whitney Houston (wahh!)
What do your friends think of you?
- Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
What do you think of your parents?
- My All - Mariah Carey
What do you think about very often?
- I Need The Girl Part II - P Diddy feat Mario (oh God!)
What is 2+2?
- Photograph - Nickelback
What do you think of your best friend?
- My Baby You - Marc Anthony (Alamak!=! )
What do you think of the person you like?
- Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
What is your life?
- Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan
(Wah betol lagi lah!hmm=))
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Hero - Mariah Carey
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
- Answer the Phone - Sugar Ray
What will you dance to at your wedding?
- over my head - The Fray (RAncak tuu!)
What will they play at your funeral?
- Move Along - The All-American Rejects
What is your hobby/interest?
- Dunia Belum Berakhir - Shaden (uulalalaa..)
What is your biggest fear?
- I’m Alive - Celine Dion (Ape harus aku buat!aahhgghh..Tidak!)
What is your biggest secret?
- How Do I Live - LeAnn Rimes (hehehe=))
What do you think of your friends?
- I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance (Sorry friends!)
What will you post this as?
- Don’t speak (acoustic) - No doubt
What song would you play during the first time you have sex?
- Like You - Bow Wow (ft.
8 people to tag:
7.and YOU
8.and All of YOU!heehe=)
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
c. You must write that song name down, no matter how silly it sounds.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
If someone says,"Is this okay?"
- Capital E - Bittersweet
How would you describe yourself?
- When Your’re Gone - Avril Lavigne (uhh)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
- Helena - My Chemical Romance
How do you feel today?
- Unfaithful - Rihanna
What is your life's purpose?
- With You - Chris Brown (btol2 haha=p)
What is your motto?
- I will always love you - Whitney Houston (wahh!)
What do your friends think of you?
- Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
What do you think of your parents?
- My All - Mariah Carey
What do you think about very often?
- I Need The Girl Part II - P Diddy feat Mario (oh God!)
What is 2+2?
- Photograph - Nickelback
What do you think of your best friend?
- My Baby You - Marc Anthony (Alamak!=! )
What do you think of the person you like?
- Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
What is your life?
- Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan
(Wah betol lagi lah!hmm=))
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Hero - Mariah Carey
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
- Answer the Phone - Sugar Ray
What will you dance to at your wedding?
- over my head - The Fray (RAncak tuu!)
What will they play at your funeral?
- Move Along - The All-American Rejects
What is your hobby/interest?
- Dunia Belum Berakhir - Shaden (uulalalaa..)
What is your biggest fear?
- I’m Alive - Celine Dion (Ape harus aku buat!aahhgghh..Tidak!)
What is your biggest secret?
- How Do I Live - LeAnn Rimes (hehehe=))
What do you think of your friends?
- I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance (Sorry friends!)
What will you post this as?
- Don’t speak (acoustic) - No doubt
What song would you play during the first time you have sex?
- Like You - Bow Wow (ft.
8 people to tag:
7.and YOU
8.and All of YOU!heehe=)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tomoi Tranning!
Tranning tomoi.. Ayak ku selaku jurulatih fizikal di PLKN jadi oleh kerana neighbour sebelah ni dia msk pertandingan tomoi, ayah ku mengofferkan diri untuk train dorang setiap petang (waktu ayaku cuti sahaja ler) Dorang kena regging habis-habisan.. Tapi seronok.. Antara aktiviti fizikal yg dilakukan cam sprint, renggang2 otot tu biasa laa. gendong atas bahu.. jogging kat pantai.. Pastu yg paling best bila masuk dalam air (kt pantai).. Dorang kena lari dalam air pastu sepak2 air laa.. mcm2.. Seronok!
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