Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 Things you need the most if lost in an Island

I wish I can bring everything with me, like a Doremon haha but I can't. So if I lost in an Island three things I need the most are

1. Swiss Knife
2. Solar & Rechargeable  Torch Light
3. Mirror

 Why I choose those things because firstly knife is very important especially when you lost in a jungle. If I have knife I can cut small tree, plant, get some fruits or sembelih binatang ke. Ia akan jadi mudah, sebab boleh potong, ukir, jerat, macam-macam lah. It is advantage if you have swiss knife beacause it have many type of knife and stuff that related to it.

Next is Solar & Rechargeable Torch Light. This torch light you can either use battery and if you don't have you battery you still can use it by charge it on your own. Alaa macam solar torch light atau yang kita pusing pusing and dia charger pastu boleh guna. Then kalau habis lampu, pusing pemulas tu dia akan charge. Haa tak tahu nk panggil apa tapi benda tu lah. Hehe

Lastly is Mirror I think ia membantu sebab kita boleh nyalakan api guna cermin, kalau nk guna batu memang tak menyala lah ceritanya. So penting juga and kita boleh buat pantulan cahaya matahari so that orang boleh nampak cahaya bersinar-sinar kat bawah, kira macam "SOS" juga la.

So kaitan semua di atas dengan kehidupan selepas ni, bila dah habis part 5 ialah kita sentiasa kena bersedia walau apa pun. Baik dari segi mental or fizikal. Pertama sekali kena cuba benda baru and berani. Be confident. I know out there is very competitive and to many challenges. So I have to be ready and should be ready no matter what because the time will come, tak lama lagi dah intern so I have to try my best. Try learn as much as I can, bila dalam kehidupan benda yang paling penting ialah solat, doa dan tawakal. Minta padaNYA supaya dipermudahkan urusan insyaAllah semua akan okay dan berjalan dengan lancar. Keduanya make friends, mix around and jangan malu bertanya try to get as much knowledge as you can. Punctuality and be responsible is also important, and don't forget to respect people no matter what they do and who they are. So I will try to be what I've stated just now and insyaAllah I'll be fine doing my internship and whatever I do in life. InsyaAllah.



dinieezyane said...

I just need awan terbang. hihihi

Journalist said...

Hahaha okay jugak tu! ;p