Me and my girls! Will miss you girls after graduate! :( *from Yunahis*

The boys!

The King and Queen! part 1 and part 6 (Saiful!!!! wee!)

The band. From left Adham, Aidy Haris and Saiful. Song: Here Without You! (FAVORITE!!!!)

Couple of the night. Spotted: Main and Hafiz!

Dinie's group, nama tak tau hehe!

*Copy from yuhanis From left Mai, Ajwin, Haikal, Azam, Abad, and Deya. (Where's Aqif and Yb?)

*Copy from others From left Izzati, Ili, Farahain, Tim and Farhana!

*Copy from others! The guys!!!
Apple with her tan skin! Look hot babe! *mcm baru balik pangkor hehe*
Teha the belly dancer! Pika with her stylo scraft and Ain "the artis" :P
As usual sing UiTM Dihatiku song and Negara ku!
Me and beautiful Maria! We both wearing hoodie Jubah!
From left Alan, Shafizal, tak ingat, Shahida, tak ingat, tak ingat, Mut.
Beautiful girls! From left Fatin, Yuhanis, Sarah, Ajwin, Deya, Mai lagi dua tu tak inga tnama. Sorry! (Pija and Eija kot haha)
Ijat. Saiful. Liyana. Hanim. Alan ;)
With our miss selling! Miss Lina!
3 gorgeous! Lagi sorang missing in action (Aien Kecik)! From left Jeera, Yaya and Shiela
Hanim and me with Farouk, the most helpful person!!
Spotted: Amoi and her boyfriend! Two from left! Hanim, Ijat and Lala *ala ala gossip girl gitu haha*
Couple of the night: Zahariman & Huda
with Abu (middle)
Iklan gigi!
Photos of Business Society Gala Dinner : Arabian Night! Ya Habibi! :B *some photos are from others*
Kita dah nak habis daaaahhhhhh!!!! Yeay! All the best guys! ;D Nanti selisih bahu, jumpa tepi jalan ke jangan segan segan nak tegur ya! ;)
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