Sunday, December 30, 2012

Graduation Day!

Yes, kali ni banyak gambar. I would like to thank everyone who always help me and give me support and pray for me. Espeacially to my beloved mama, baba and family. Thank you so much, Allah je dpt balas jasa tu. Thank you mama for always be there for me. Who always help me with my assignment hehe bila tak tahu call mama, nak buat decision pun call mama. Saya bukan anak manja tapi tu la. Bila nk mengadu tak puas hati dengan orang pun call mama, bila suka kat someone pun call mama. Thank you ma thank you so much. You're my everything!! Terima kasih ya Allah.

Baba, you are the happiest person in the world I think, I can see when I first enter the hall and when I looked at you, I know you're happy and proud. So this is for you. Dulu saya ni tak pandai sangat. Biasa biasa je. Pastu biasa lah parent selalu banding kan dgn yang ni lah yg tu la, and I'm the one yang tak top among them haha. Baba selalu cakap nak anak dia masuk u. So bila dapat masuk u I know baba happy, ye la first time hantar anak masuk u. Time registration part one diploma, bila dah siap angkat barang and baba nak balik, I can feel that he's happy and nmpk mcm berair mata haha. So thank you baba, dengan doa dan semangat yang tak putus. I love you! I love you so much! Terima kasih ya Allah.

To my all friends, terima kasih tak terhingga. Terima kasih to @kimpart1 maria, pika, ain, apple, teha, ecah, hanim, ben and ijat! Dengan "kadang-kadang" assignment hantar last minit, study last minit, gaduh salah faham, merajuk gembira suka ria, bersedih, bergelak, travel sama-sama, repeat sama-sama :P (menyesal gila babs!) berjaya sama-sama, semua lah. Thank you banyak ajar, banyak bagi semangat. I still remember tengah otw nk jalan balik bilik dari kelas, boleh menangis sambil jalan sbb stress tak dapat buat MAT140 haha to me susah gilaaa kot! -.- but alhamdulillah lulus jugak. So congratulation guys! We made it! Yeay! Macam mimpi. So now we have 1 more mission to go! Complete degree! All the best guys! All the best for final exam too! :D Oh not to forget big thank you to all my lecturers!! ;)

Semoga kita berjaya dunia akhirat! Amin :) XO

Monday, December 17, 2012

Oh My GOD!!!!!

Lama tak post! :) I've been thinking about this lately, since this is the last week of study before final exam I really wanna know his name, the stranger I met at the library. So today as usual my friends and I have our lunch at Pak Mat. I never see him eating at Pak Mat till one day I saw him there. It was last week I think. After that, I  do saw him when I'm on my way to class.

So today yes, I saw him at Pak Mat again! I don't believe it, till he buy food and eat with his friends. He walked behind me. Me and Ijat was about to leave, but he walked again to buy drinks, then I told Ijat I wanna ask his name, but I'm too afraid. Then when we stand up and about to leave, we both berselisih :P at that time, bila dia dah dekat mcm tak jadi lah nk ckp, tapi si Ijat dah pilih laluan yg kena jalan sebelah dia so suddenly I asked "eh nama you apa?" then he look at me and answered "A..." terus jawab without asking kenapa eh? ye la sesetengah mcm tak nak bg tahu kan, tapi dia terus jawab. Then I repeat "A...?" Pastu baru la dia tanyanya "kenapa ae?" Then I replied "oh tak de apa-apa". Then he gave me adorable smileeee so cuteeee mannnn!!!!! :P Caiiiirrrr siot! hahaha So I'm so proud of myself!! Sbb berani siooott!! Tau tak bertapa nk luluh jantung and tebal muka and malu, and takut bila nak tanya nama tu!!! Arghhh akhirnya aku berjayaa!!! Wehoo! :)) So I expect him to take the next step! Pleaseeeee!! We have only 4 days before study week, then we never ever see each other again.. kecuali dengan izin Allah, kita jumpa time kerja ke apa ke tu lain cerita  lah kan. I guess if you don't take any action then I understand.

p/s: I wanna know his name cause I want to search him at facebook, but he gave me only his nickname, how am I suppose to search? Tapi sbb saya ni pro! hahaha and I found you! I don't know whether this is my luck or what. But I found you. So nice to meet you MR AR :) I'm Liyana by the way. See you around and please make a move!