Sunday, December 28, 2008


[x] stayed single
[x] had my heart broken
[x] broke someone else's heart
[x] lost a friend
[x] met someone that I will never forget
[x] did something I regret
[x] lost faith in love
[x] got a promotion
[x] met a teacher who I became friends with
[x] found the subject I love
[x] skipped school
[x] got in a fight with a classmate
[x] did something I was proud of
[x] discovered a new talent
[x] was involved in something that I will never forget
[x] painted a picture
[x] listened to music I couldn't stand
[x] went to a sleepover
[x] went to camp
[x] threw a "surprise" party
[x] laughed till I cried
[x] flirted shamelessly
[x] cooked a disastrous meal
[x] lost something important to me
[x] realized something new about myself
[x] went on a diet
[x] read a great book
[x] saw a great movie
[x] did something that I want to tell everyone
[x] experienced something new
[x] made new friends
[x] found out who your real friends are
[x] sneaked out
[x] went to a party
[x] had the time of your life
[x] danced
[x] had a crush on someone
[x] swam in a pool
[x] slept in past 2pm
[x] held someone's hand that you care about
[x] gone on vacation
[x] gone on vacation with a friend
[x] danced in the rain
[x] saw someone get in a car accident
[x] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[x] missed someone
[x] had an amazing year
[x] enjoyed this year overall

I got this at myspace bulletines (posted by alyacennonet)

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